пятница, 6 ноября 2009 г.

ВСЕМ! Очень полезная программа для iphone!

если хотите послать мне срочное сообщение по push наберите в терминале

curl -k https://prowl.weks.net/publicapi/add -F apikey=bc54b80e6f1809e456edbfbb15d96f3a99e44740 -F application="от кого" -F description="текст сообщения"

или поставьте этот widget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/957440/Prowler.zip и вбейте в настройках мой API 


если хотите получить тот же функционал, поставьте программу на iphone http://dl.dropbox.com/u/957440/Prowl.ipa и сообщите мне свой API с сайта http://prowl.weks.net

Prowl sends it over Push.

Prowl provides a clean list of all your notifications.

Opening a push notification can launch a different application.

During quiet hours, only the badge count is updated. No sounds, no alerts.

Send only what you want

The Growl plugin can be configured to only send under conditions you specify.

программа позволяет получать по push протоколу огромную кучу информации

получать комментарии и ошибки с ваших сайтов

работает с wp-touch плагином для wordpress'a

поддерживает редиректы программ, расписания и Glowl

работает идеально

Click here to download:
Prowl.ipa (317 KB)

Click here to download:
Prowler.zip (570 KB)

///для программистов

If you need to pass alerts where Growl isn't available, you might be better off using the Perl script than trying to forward it to a Growl machine.

The Perl script is prowl.pl. For more information on how to use it, run perl prowl.pl -help.

You will need to install Crypt::SSLeay, to do so on a Mac run sudo cpan install Crypt::SSLeay. For Linux or BSD, your distribution should have a package for it.

The API is subject to throttling, but it should almost never impact a normal user.

You can find a list of API libraries on the API page.

This describes Prowl's third-party API. Users can find their API keys on the settings page.


Changes to the API format will be posted to the API thread on the forums.


IP addresses are limited to 1000 API calls per hour which begins from the start of the first call. If you wish to use more requests, please contact us to discuss being whitelisted.


SSL is required. All commands are sent to https://prowl.weks.net/publicapi/method (for example, add is https://prowl.weks.net/publicapi/add). Square brackets next to parameters are maximum lengths in bytes. Parameters are required unless otherwise specified.

You should send all arguments in UTF-8 encoding. Some level of conversion is done if you provide other encoding, but it may not succeed.

add (POST)

Add a notification for a particular user.

You must provide either event or description or both.

apikey [204]Up to 5 API keys separated by commas. Each API key is a 40-byte hexadecimal string.

When using multiple API keys, you will only get a failure response if allAPI keys are not valid.

providerkey [40]
Your provider API key. Only necessary if you have been whitelisted.
Default value of 0 if not provided. An integer value ranging [-2, 2] representing:
  1. Very Low
  2. Moderate
  3. Normal
  4. High
  5. Emergency
Emergency priority messages may bypass quiet hours according to the user's settings.
application [256]The name of your application or the application generating the event.
event [1024]The name of the event or subject of the notification.
description [10000]A description of the event, generally terse.

verify (GET)

Verify an API key is valid.

For the sake of adding a notification do not call verify first; it costs you an API call. You should only use verify to confirm an API key is valid in situations like a user entering an API key into your program. If it's not valid while posting the notification, you will get the appropriate error.

apikey [40]The user's API key. A 40-byte hexadecimal string.
providerkey [40]
Your provider API key. Only necessary if you have been whitelisted.

Return format

You should always use an XML parser. While the structure itself won't change, the format or attributes might in a way that breaks direct string parsing.


An error will return the following format, as well as an HTTP status code equal to ERRORCODE.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prowl> 	<error code="ERRORCODE">ERRORMESSAGE</error> </prowl> 
ERRORCODE can be one of the following:
  • 400 Bad request, the parameters you provided did not validate, see ERRORMESSAGE.
  • 401 Not authorized, the API key given is not valid, and does not correspond to a user.
  • 405 Method not allowed, you attempted to use a non-SSL connection to Prowl.
  • 406 Not acceptable, your IP address has exceeded the API limit.
  • 500 Internal server error, something failed to execute properly on the Prowl side.


A success will return the following format, as well as the HTTP status code 200.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prowl> 	<success code="200" remaining="REMAINING" resetdate="UNIX_TIMESTAMP" /> </prowl> 
REMAINING is the number of API calls you have left until UNIX_TIMESTAMP (UTC).


There are different libraries and scripts available which use the API in an array of languages.

Web Services

These are web services which will send notifications through Prowl. They do not require running on your own server(s).


These are plugins which you can use to add Prowl notifications to other applications. You can see a bunch of other hacks and scripts on the Prowl forums.

Posted via email from Smoley's posterous

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Подскажите, может сталкивались с такой проблемой, скачал у вас prowl.ipa, установил, зарегался на сайте, но уведомленния приходять только когда захожу в програму на айфоне а пуш не работает =( хоча в других приложениях пуш работает нормально (iphone OS 3.0 jaibreak)